1. Machine Extruder must use the V2 Fan shroud:
Cetus v2 fan shroud 0.2mm layer.STL
V2 (should be printed in direction that the vent is facing upward)
2. Extension PCB must be installed, please refer to this article
Cetus MK3 Upgrade Guide for Extension PCB
Auto leveling Probe includes Following Items:
1. The True-touch Probe.
2. Connector cable for the probe.
Video Giude:
Step by Step Guide:
Step1. Connect to the Extension PCB
Step2. Change Fan Shroud to V2
Step3. Attach Probe to Extruder
push down the green button to extrude the probe.
Step4. Use the Auto Level Function in UP Studio
The software will instruct user to touch the leveling probe, after touching it against the nozzle, the measure measurement processs will be activated.
The Probe will be start to meausre the platform height at 9 points. Remove the probe from the extruder after the measurement. The compensation values and nozzle height will be automatically updated after the measurement.
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