The script function allow user to insert commands to specific points in the print job. The system support Gcode commands and Tiertime's commands. By using scripts user can switch on or off a specific I/O port to output a signal.
The I/O board is small PCB that has an relay that can be driven by printer's I/O port. We can use it to control other external devices through the relay by using the scripts in UP Studio 3. It also has a 2.5mm and 3.5mm microphone port for controlling camera through shutter trigger cable.
Rigging the Camera
The I/O board has microphone ports that is compatible to most camera shutter cables on the market. In our case we used a Panasonic GH4, it is connected to the 2.5mm microphone port with its shutter trigger cable. When the I/O port 15 is turned on, it will drive the relay to close the circuit on the shutter cable, which result in triggering the camera to take a photo.
Printer Mainboard Connection:
use the included cable to connect to printers "Led1" port.
Connect the other side to the I/O board's 2 pin connector and connect the Camera with the shutter cable.
The following code will able to switch on/off I/O port 15 (LED1) to trigger camera.
OUT 15 1 ; switch port 15 on
OUT 15 0 ; switch port 15 off
We would like make an effect that the print is seemingly growing out from the printer. We need the extruder head to move to a fixed location after each layer and at the same time take a picture of the print. The print head in the final video will looks like to be idle all the time.
The script should insert to Layer End field (so code will be executed after each layer finish):
The following is the code used:
;insert to layer end
TO 200 X-90 Y90 ;move print head to coordinate at speed of 200mm/s
JOG 500 A-50 ;extruder retract 50mm at 500mm/s, reduce stringing.
OUT 15 1 ;port 15 switch on
DWELL 150 ;wait for 100ms, the signal need to be hold for a short time
;the relay on I/O board will be closed, Camera triggered.
OUT 15 0 ;port 15 switch off, relay open again.
JOG 500 A50 ;extrude 50mm to prepare for continuation of printing
;will continue to print when finish above codes
After the printing, we can combine the time lapse photos into a video. Here is the result:
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