Under some domain network surrounding,Like in a school or a liberatry network, A non-administrator can not operate the UP studio due to the non-administrator user can not read the system files.
We added config file in the latest Version UP stuido , V2.5.32.461, here is the guidance on using it.
1. Download and install UP Studio V2.5.32.461;
2.find config file in UP Studio folder;
3,Edit the content of the config file and set the root where you will put the temporary file.
"//" is annotation,if you need execute,delete"//" and revise to :path_temp=(users assigned folder name)
A: the folder name assigned by user must name in English
B: If the software installed in C:Disk, For some windows system maybe no authority to revise or replace the config file,You need contact your administrator to solve this.
C:After revised the config and restart the UP Studio, the temporary file will generated under the folder assigned by users.
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